Your birth chart is a snapshot of the sky at the moment you were born. It is fixed in time and the planetary aspects and placements within your chart are your life’s blueprint — that never changes. That is why your Sun, moon, and rising sign (i.e., the keys to your chart) are yours for life.
As time goes on, the planets travel through the signs of the zodiac and activate different parts of your birth chart. These movements are known as transits — which is astrology’s way of tracking what themes will become activated based on their relationship to your birth chart.
While your birth chart tells you who you are and what your purpose is, your transits explain the current themes of your life and the places where you are being asked to grow, stretch, and show up. These transits might be helpful or challenging, depending on the planets involved and the nature of the contact. You’ll begin to feel the impact of a transit (start date), before the exact moment that it occurs (exact date), and continue to feel it for some time afterward (end date).
Although all CHANI app users can see how the individual planets in the sky are impacting them in real-time based on their rising sign via their Current Sky horoscopes in the “Today” section of the home page, your personal transits can be found in the premium Transits tab. These update any time a planet in the current sky makes contact with a planet in your unique birth chart, so remember to check back frequently to understand what themes are beginning and ending for you. This is as tailored to you as astrology gets.
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