The CHANI app uses the Whole Sign House System, and intentionally provides you with content oriented around your rising sign (after all, it’s your rising sign that determines the areas of your life that the current astrology will impact). The Whole Sign House System is an ancient technique wherein one sign = one house, and each house has a sign, starting with the first house on the ascendant (aka your rising sign). So, for example, if your rising sign is Leo, Leo will be in your first House, and Virgo will be in your Second, etc. For information about what each of the houses represents, check out this article.
If your rising sign looks different from what you’re used to, double-check your birth time entered on the Account Settings page in the app. If you don't know your birth time, check out this article for help.
The predictive nature of our horoscopes is due to how we track transiting planets as they relate to your birth chart’s houses, which is determined by your rising sign. Since looking at the houses gives insightful information on how the current astrology is showing up in your life, the rising sign becomes primary within our content, with the Sun sign secondary and the Moon sign tertiary.
We have heard from several users who would like access to their Sun sign content as well. If you’re one of them, we’re happy to let you know that we are currently working on adding this feature to a future version of the CHANI app. In the meantime, you can find the daily horoscopes and Current Sky horoscopes for all signs on our website.