Lunar Nodes 🐉
Learn how to work with the nodes of the Moon in the CHANI app. This article also includes the answers to the following questions:
- What are the nodes of the Moon?
- How does the CHANI app approach the lunar nodes?
- How do the nodes move?
- My nodes on the CHANI app are in a different location than I’m used to seeing. Why?
- Are the “true” nodes more true?
- What does it mean if my true and mean nodes are in different signs?
- Does the angular relationship between the nodes ever change?
- What do the lunar nodes have to do with eclipses?
- This interpretation is a little different than the one I’m used to. Why?
- What does it mean if my nodes are (or aren’t) retrograde?
- Are the nodes physical bodies, like planets or asteroids?
- Do other planets or bodies in space have nodes?
- Are there other names for the lunar nodes?
Chiron 🏹
Read more about how to work with Chiron in the CHANI app.
Learn about the anchors of your life, including the answers to some of the following questions:
- My MC / IC is in a different house than I’m used to seeing it. Why?
- What does it mean if my MC isn’t in the 10th House, and my IC isn’t in the 4th?
- I can’t find a house interpretation for my descendant (DC).
- How does the location of my birth change the angles?
- How does time change the location of the MC, IC, and DC?
- Can I know my MC / IC / DC if I don’t know my birth time?
- I thought “angles” were the ways the planets relate to each other through squares, trines, etc.?Are they not?
- Are the MC, IC, and DC points that travel around in space like the lunar nodes or Black Moon Lilith?
Black Moon Lilith 🦇️
Delve into your Black Moon Lilith placement, and unleash the wild one within. This article answers the following questions:
- What is Black Moon Lilith?
- How does the CHANI app approach Black Moon Lilith?
- Why is my Black Moon Lilith placement in the CHANI app is different than I'm used to seeing?
- How do I work with my Black Moon Lilith placement?